Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crushes in Youth Ministry Leadership

A couple of days ago my old co-leader of my discipling group had her first child, a bouncing baby girl, and it got me thinking about the crush i used to have on her (and if a made a move if I'd be a Dad by now...).

As i wondered the streets of Chatswood i pondered opportunities lost and how, for years, i harboured secret yearnings for my coleader (I'm sure she knew, or at least she may now).

For years I've noticed the trend of leaders in youth ministry developing feelings for their co-leader. From my point of few it makes total sense. As people who spend a stack of time together regularly, have shared passions, shared responsibilities and see the other person invest time in the lives of the same young people as them... whats not to love?

Now, the crush my pass quickly and at times not be particularly productive, but it seems to happen all to often.

As youth minster i used to keep it in mind when pairing off leaders at camps or in junior/senior sections ect... maybe this is how Christian matchmaker should work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha. The last paragraph just screams creepy uncle Graham!
Nice work on the blog mate, its about time :)