Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sing it ONLY if you mean it

You won't agree thoroughly with every word in every sermon.
You also, most likely, won't agree thoroughly with every syllable in a worship song.

Most times, if you're like me, you'll just let it slide.

But sometimes you can't.
And you shouldn't.

If you truly don't agree with the theology behind the lyrics of a song (this means they make you more than just a "little uncomfortable" and that you've seriously considered the topic) then you have every right to not sing that part of the song.

Further, this also applies to any words you don't understand and anything in a foreign language which you don't comprehend. Again, it's perfectly acceptable to remain silent when this occurs in church.

This has three immediate consequences.

First, we shouldn't be shocked when new people, especially those from outside the faith, don't sing (or do so hesitantly). We need to give them space to process the words and concepts before they embrace and participate with them in song.

Second, it then marks a step forward when someone DOES choose to sing for the first time.

And third, it raises the volume on what your church is saying through the songs it decides to sing. If people are passive during a song then it might indicate that the lyrics are off base or that the congregation needs to be taught in this area by the worship leader or preacher.

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