Saturday, February 7, 2015

When a kid needs the win

Yesterday I posted about playing games in youth group. In short, I said that leaders shouldn't aim to win games, unless challenged. Then they can unleash an ominous fury.

Last night I played a game in violation of the guidelines I give my leaders.

I "arranged" the outcome of a game in order to give a kid who needed it a win.

Sure, something unexpected could have happened and my plan could have failed, but I trusted that I could maintain enough of the variables so that the last two people in the game were myself and the in-need-of-a-win teen.

And win he did.

Now, in the previous round the guy had been one of the final handful surviving so it was completely plausible that everything was legit, but... he had some assistance when he was victorious.

So, for a few moments...
At the end of a tough week...
In front of everyone...
At a game I previously declared that I was pretty good at...
He beat the leader...

Because he needed the win.

And, when he was picked up, I made sure to mention that he beat me.
Because his Mum needed to hear that he won also.

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